Social media diversion

Do you realize we’re in week 3 already of 2020? What are the things you’ve accomplished already that were on your to-do-list for this year?

One of the things for this year is to be less inclined to waste time on Social Media. I was doing pretty good at one point in time, till recently when I ‘rediscovered’ Facebook. Mind you, Jamie Masters [from Eventual Millionaire] once told a class to ditch the social media apps from your phone if you want to be more productive. And yup, it sure works like a charm… till I kind of went ‘back’ to FB on Chrome. Sigh. I should probably delete Chrome, Safari and Duckduckgo too right?

Social media takes up much of our time. Time away from things in real life which are more important than the likes that we seem to crave. I say we here although I do know that there are exceptions to this rule. 

Unfortunately a majority of us are stuck – stuck without even realizing that we’re stuck. Let me ask you this: when was the last time you left your house without your phone? Better yet, when was the last time you went a whole day without taking your phone to the bathroom? Ha, yes, I know we are all guilty at one point or the other.

So, the key thing I’m learning in 2020 is balance – yes, also with social media. Did I play an hour with my kids? Then I’m allowing myself some time on my phone while they play by themselves. I’m aware that this too can lead to a different kind of trap: doing things as a responsibility, just to be rewarded by playing on the phone. 

So tell us, what’s your take on Social Media? Do you ban it in your house or do you allow social media diversion? Let us know of any tips or tricks that might assist others in banning fake life for real shall we? Let’s GO!

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