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Being Perfect aka perfectionism

Am I a perfectionist? I would like to think that I am not (you should see my stack of laundry!), but when I read this article here, I started to wonder – what is being a perfectionist look like?

Above example is over the top, one would think. But when I look at how I perform at work, that is actually one of my pit falls as I want whatever it is that I deliver to be as efficient as possible. Because let’s face it: if my clients can gain time by making sure what we deliver is .. oops.. well yeah, perfect, then hey! Why not? Right? WRONG. Because it’s a trap or continuous loop that is difficult to break if you are not aware of it

Then what about the self worth part that the article talks about? Or what about the procrastination one? I fall into that trap the most I have to be honest although they are linked to one another. I procrastinate as sometimes I don’t think I can do the job (to change the diaper of my eldest the first time, took a LONG while before I tried that task it’s a wonder he did not develop instant diaper rash!) so that translate into self worth. Thank God it isn’t a major problem because once I make up my mind to go no matter what, off I go (Mi Tambe Por was a sample of that).

Are you also suffering from being perfect aka perfectionism syndrome? How are you handling it or not? Tell us below!

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