Photo by Darrel Undfrom Pexels


Somewhere in the journey of having my own business, the idea emerged that collaborating with like-minded individuals was not only a ‘nice-to-have’ commodity, but almost a necessity.

Why? Well, let me elaborate. When I started out in January 2016, I started out with a fellow business owner who also was by herself. Precision Curacao provided to me everything I needed at that moment, and I believe it was vice-versa as well. I needed someone to bounce ideas off for example. They also helped me create a stronger network by going to networking events as those things were scary at that time!

Setting the foundation has proven to be so important for both our growth and I am eternally grateful for the path we traveled together as business partners.

This year has literally started with a bang. In relation to collaboration, I have teamed up with two other businesses and we are setting up a project of a proportion I can not discuss yet. [So stay tuned for more on this later]. And this has proven to me again that there is much joy in collaboration with others. 

Therefore, instead of looking at your competition and fight, look for collaboration and challenges that you both can solve. I realize that this might sound very “out there” for some. But if you look at the benefits… just really look at the benefits and then decide if that battle is one to fight for or fight with.

Anyway – that was my little piece of the day. More will follow in due course. For now happy weekend, till Monday.

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