Back to school

Today was the first day again of school of this year. I’m guessing children all over the world looked towards this day with mixed feelings. Regardless of loving the opportunity to learn, it still represents stopping doing things your way and going back into ‘the box’.

As I’ve indicated previously, school and it’s tradition is something I ponder about often. Especially having 5- and 7 year old boys, who are subjected to this system, I constantly think of possible ways to make the system be less intrusive in their essence.

Let’s face it. The school system is designed to get the ‘individual essence’ out, and get the ‘mass production’ in. Even though our global society has changed so much that mass workers are no longer needed, we are still doing this. Now of course it’s imperative for our kids to learn how to read, do math and know something about this world. Key word here is learn. Not study. Ah, there’s a difference between these two words? Yup!  

For my particular situation, I’ve made a plan. Spend time with my kids as often as I can (and yes, sometimes I want to run away screaming but hey, that’s motherhood for you!) and help them discover what it is they like and focus on that. For Bryan that means planets, galaxy systems and 400 billion stars. For Justin that means figuring out how do things work. Demolishing (it’s not dissembling) a remote control car. They know more than me but hey! That’s the plan all along.

And in 5 years time, we’re going to go on a world trip for a year. Sure, they still need to go to school during and after. It is for them to see and experience, that the world does not only consist of our island, our mentality and culture. And make them truly global citizens.

I’m very excited about this prospect to say the least. What do you think? Also, how was it this morning to take your kids back to school? Let us know!

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