Photo by maitree rimthong from Pexels

Is Saving important

I can hear you thinking. “This is a rhetorical question, right? This woman can’t really  be asking this question! Are you for real?”

Well yeah I’m asking the question! It’s not just any question either: I want you to really ponder on it and then come back with the answer. If by then, the answer is yes, I’ll congratulate you on a job well done. If your answer is no, I’ll equally congratulate you: YAY! Job well done! 

Nope. I have not lost it. Yet. Because no matter which answer you have provided, that’s the answer which is applicable to your current situation. However, this does not mean that we can not adapt, learn and grow.

So why did you answer yes to “Is saving important”? Is it because society says so? Or is it something you inherently believe in? For me personally the answer to this question is dual. Yes, it’s important to save SOME money. Because to say is it important to save money to me, it might mean in my extreme-brain that I’m to SAVE [insert the word Alllll here] MONEY which means… NO to all happiness that buying that ticket to Africa will provide me for example. On the other hand, I do believe sometimes it is better to spend money than to save it (see previous example haha). 

And what do you know, there is a whole series on psychological reasons why some people seem at ease with saving, while others are having more difficulty to accomplish this task. It IS a difficult task after all…

What do you guys say: yay or nay to saving? And do you have any tips or tricks to use IF you are a saving person? Let us know your thoughts below in the comments!

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