Money Goals 

The title of this message is off. Waayyy off to be exact. Because when you have money as a goal, you are actually setting yourself up for a trap! A trap? Really?

Yes, really. If money is the ultimate goal in your pursuit, there are a few basic elements that hinder that process. One of them is: when is enough enough? Once you hit your first target (of for example savings), you might want to set the bar higher and go for more. When will you stop? Another one can be: what are you actually pursuing? Is it security? And do we realize that security is non-existent to begin with?

I’ve watched the film “Up in the air” last weekend where the job of a gentleman was firing people. His speech implied that once we get stuck in a high paying job with no happiness, it was really difficult to let go of all that money.

So some of us keep being in the same cycle: get up Monday with difficulty going to a job which pays the bills, looking forward to Friday where you can relax in the weekend (which is actually 1 full day, because many are stressing on Sunday that the day after is Monday again!). That’s not living, that’s existing – and most of the time it is because money is the ultimate goal. Yes, you have to pay the bills, right? 

This means that sadly, we are only depending on money to get us through life and we are discarding the fact that as human beings we have gifts to give the world. Gifts that have absolutely nothing to do with money. And we are depriving one another to enjoy the gifts we all carry. Listen up: i’m not saying go quit your job. I am saying let’s start looking at money differently, Let us not make money the goal, but rather the tool in accomplishing any other goal you might have in life. And if you really look around long and hard, go use your time to develop that gift you’ve gotten. You like to cook? Well then start cooking during the weekend! You like to paint? Well why haven’t we seen your paintings yet? You like crunching numbers but you’re stuck in a high paying managerial job? What’s keeping you then to go back to what you love?

In closing: having money goals on it’s own can mean anything. But let’s not make money THE goal shall we? Let’s use it as it was intended and gravitate towards the things that bring you joy.

What are your thoughts? Let us know!

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