Money Conclusion

Can I be honest for a second? This series I did on money was HARD. You would think it easy to write on a topic which has so many areas as it touches us in all aspects of our lives!

Why was it hard? Well, in essence when I started writing I wanted to write objectively without too much of my opinion of feelings on things. Because feelings are not objective, right?

However, it proves quite difficult to write about such a personal matter. Money being personal? Yes! Let’s say for example I ask you how much you make a month, how does that make you feel? Or, if I ask you how much you spend on for example your electricity bill – how can this not BE personal?

That is why the last two articles became a tad more personal and that is why I have decided to just write in the future. If it becomes personal and is not objective, then so be it. It IS my blog after all! 😀

In any case, this topic is now officially closed! As I have done in the past two series, hereby the introduction of next two week’s topic. Drum roll please! I’m going to talk about innovative ideas. Either from here, or from what is to be found on the internet.. or whatever. Again. I have absolutely NO idea why I’m making my life so difficult, BUT I am not giving up. Yet. 😀

Money conclusion? I learnt that I have to embrace having an opinion on such a difficult subject, and being okay to publish it as well. Wish me luck will y’a!?

Bon weekend all – see you on the other side!   

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