
So I’m finally tearing the band-aid off. Let’s talk faith, shall we?

If you look at my Facebook profile, I don’t talk faith much. Actually, if you look at anything I’ve written, faith doesn’t get a front row seat in anything I put out there. Reason for this is that I believe that faith is quite a personal journey and for me these last 5 years have been of tremendous growth, learning and possibilities. So why now? Because I’ve been prompted – or shouted out by HG to speak up. And where else to speak up then here?

Five + years ago, I was making Erwin a sandwich. Now this is a confession to the world. I was an angry woman at that time, and making him sandwiches in the morning was quite a selfish thing. If for example i would make an omelette, I would shove my bread with enough egg, and give him what was left of said omelette. So on this particular morning, I was baking some sausages to go in the mentioned bread. When suddenly, I hear a voice telling me to now stuff Erwin’s bread with the sausages and make mine with what was left. Startled, I let the bread knife fall as I thought there really was someone with me in that tiny kitchen. 

Looking around, seeing no one, I thought to myself.. this is my imagination. Pft! Not that it happened again! The same small voice told me the same thing. So fine, I did what I was told because by that time I was thinking “WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?”

This was the beginning for me of communication through the Holy Spirit. Now mind you, before getting to this point, I was introduced to God in a very unusual way, which I will talk about another time. The pastor of a church told me point blank: “Listen. Go and build yourself a relationship with Jesus and then come back if you have questions.” Me: “Uhm what? How on EARTH do you do that?”

But that’s what I did. Found this app called YouVersion, which has many plans which guide you through the bible. And music too, as I love music, this also became a way for me to dive into the world of God. And faith. 

Am I there? Nope. By far not. This is a journey and every time there’s a peak you think.. oh wauw! Look at where I came from! And then off you go to another peak. Is it easy? No. But that’s what Jesus says too: You will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world.

So again, why am I sharing? The same voice which told me to stuff Erwin’s bread, told me since yesterday what I should be writing about today. And as obedience is better than sacrifice, here I am!

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